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L4 Sorceress on Dragon

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:55 am
by Smiler6310
Morning all,

I'm trying out a Lv 4 sorceress on Dragon soon in some 2250pt games and was wondering if anybody had some general tips on how to get the most out of her.

My Setup is as follows;

Lv 4 Sorceress;
-Pendent of Khaeleth
-Focus Familiar
-Dispel Scroll
-Black Dragon

Im also running a Hydra to hide her behind to initially shield her from WM's. So my questions are:

1) How do you setup your Lv4?
2) How do you use her effectively?
3) What are the biggest threats to her/to watch out for?
4) When do you engage in CC?
5) Where do you deploy her - centrally, to the flanks etc?

Thankyou for any help! :D

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:26 am
by Borog
I don't have much experience with this build, but the first thing that struck me was that you gave her soulrender.

Don't :P

setup would be behind terrain, and if not possible, then behind the hydra.

effective use would probably be to use as a mobile flamer, terrorcauser and spells. If she is in combat she is less useful and more vulnerable.

biggest threat is to be charged I suppose.

CC: tactical charge on warmachines is a good use I suppose, as they are a threat. Just avoid overruns that gets the dragon of the board or into harms way. Last turn charges and combi-charges are probably best. But don't charge unless absolutely necessary. Maybe small units by itself, but maybe it would be better to use the breath weapon.

The most important setup is behind terrain, it's fast enough that it doesn't really matter where, she can get where she wants in a turn or two.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:56 pm
by Garbidge
I've played around with this a few times, and have found it to be quite effective, if you have enough other troops to support it.

1) How do you setup your Lv4?

I normally go with black staff and pendant, with scrolls on a second sorceress. Focus familiar is generally unnecessary, as being a large target means you can cast anything except magic missiles from combat anyway, and you're generally mobile enough to get the line of fire you need. The tome of furion is also good, as it means you can take fire and get a 5/6 chance of having flaming sword, if you want to go combat heavy.
The pendant is essential, as the sheer amount of hate the dragon generate means that the wizard has to have very good protection; the only time I don't run a pendant on her is when I have the black amulet to make her more dangerous in combat.
The only magic weapon I would bother with is lifetaker, as anything else is only boosting 1 attack at S3. The dragon has enough attacks most of the time.

2) How do you use her effectively?

Generally I just park the dragon behind enemy lines, and watch my opponent's reaction. If he turns to face, then I dance around and stay out of charge arcs; if necessary flying a good distance away. If he doesn't, then I normally charge a flank or rear, particularly if I have good combat spells on the mage (word of pain, or the metal debuff).
Doom and darkness with a dragon is one that I've never had, but need to try sometime. Fly into the enemy line, drain life half their army, and doom and darkness something irritating.

3) What are the biggest threats to her/to watch out for?

The biggest threats I've come across are combat units with a 360 degree charge. If a unit of wardancers, or a hellpit abomination, or something similar can charge you, even if they have to charge another unit out of the way first, then your sorceress is in trouble, amnd even if you win combat you probably have to pursue into something that you would rather not fight head-on.
Massed shooting is also a problem, along with cannons, because it could kill the dragon, leaving your wizard defencelesss in the middle of the enemy line.

4) When do you engage in CC?

Whenever an opportunity presents itself. If you can get a flank on a medium combat unit; if you can hit the flank or rear on a missile unit, if you have a combined charge on something bigger. Just don't charge anything ranked in the front, or anything with strong combat characters. Also, make sure that you don't charge if an overrun or pursue leaves you vulnerable.

5) Where do you deploy her - centrally, to the flanks etc?

Depends totally on the terrain; If you can set her up behind enough terrain that nobody can see her then do; if you can advance up a flank behind a wood so that only half the enemy can see her first turn, that's normally good too. With flight, you can normally reposition if you need to, except against turn 1 shooting/magic, so set up where you'll be protected should you opponent have first turn.