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2500 Corsair Deathstar attempt #1

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:52 pm
by Vampire1812
1 * Dreadlord @ 253 Pts
Heavy Armour
Sea Dragon Cloak
Dagger of Hotek
Potion of Strength
Pendant of Khaeleth

1 Death Hag @ 200 Pts
Poison Attacks
Cauldron of Blood

1 Cauldron of Blood @ [110] Pts
#Blessings of Khaine
#Fury of Khaine
#Strength of Khaine
#Bloodshield of Khaine

2 Hag @ [0] Pts

1 Master @ 138 Pts
Sea Dragon Cloak
Ring of Hotek
Armour of Darkness

1 Death Hag @ 240 Pts
Poison Attacks
Battle Standard
Rune of Khaine
Hydra Banner

26 Black Ark Corsairs @ 485 Pts
Light Armour
Sea Dragon Cloak
Sea Serpent Standard

1 Reaver

1 Dark Elf Assassin Pts
mundane hand weapons and handbow have Poison Attacks
Venom Sword

24 Dark Elf Warriors @ 190 Pts
Light Armour

1 Lordling @ [6] Pts

24 Dark Elf Warriors @ 190 Pts
Light Armour

1 Lordling @ [6] Pts

5 Dark Riders @ 117 Pts
Rptr Crossbow
Light Armour

5 Dark Steed @ [0] Pts

5 Dark Riders @ 117 Pts
Rptr Crossbow
Light Armour

5 Dark Steed @ [0] Pts

5 Harpies @ 55 Pts

5 Harpies @ 55 Pts

5 Harpies @ 55 Pts

5 Harpies @ 55 Pts

1 War Hydra @ 175 Pts

2 Beastmaster @ [0] Pts
Beastmaster's Scourge

1 War Hydra @ 175 Pts

2 Beastmaster @ [0] Pts
Beastmaster's Scourge

Casting Pool: 2
Dispel Pool: 2
Models in Army: 120
Total Army Cost: 2500

The list is pretty much core with the exception of the Hydra. The plan is to add all three characters in with the Corsairs. This is an amazing ammount of attacks from the unit that can strike first. Should threaten any major combat monster character in any unit. The Dredlord is putting out 8 Srt 7 first strike attacks. If the Cauldron gives another attack thats 9 attacks in one round. Enough to slaughter any General. The Assassin is spitting out 5 attacks with the Venom Sword thats before the cauldron. In theory it seems sound. The warriors are there to keep the unit from making stupid charges since they are frenzied. The death Hag protects them from numbers flank and rear bonuses with witchbrew. I will keep a strong center with the riders and hydra on the flanks and the Harpies providing screening or attacking war machines. What do you think?

I think we can truly make a pretty impressive list with just core and get away from the always have to have Black Guard with ASF. Something that to many people are getting comfortable with dealing with.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:12 pm
by The griefbringer
The lack of anti-magic is troubling. The Ring of Hotek will work okay against armies that like to nuke you off the board with magic, but ones that focus on buffs and movement spells will have a field day with you.

A Tomb Kings or VC list would magic you right off the board.

I'd try to scare up some points for a Seal of Ghrond, at the very least.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:56 pm
by Vampire1812
Depending on the enemy I can drop the Cauldron and get a scroll caddy.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:50 am
by Druchii77
Some of the reasons a deathstar works are: A) It is nigh unkillable. B) It has enough combat potential to outfight anything. C) In our case, it can strike first with high strength attacks that kill off any opposition. Your setup does none of these things.

Corsairs are still S3, T3, 5+ armor save models in combat. Even with the characters you don't have the killing power. Your unit is also frenzied and so can be baited out of the game.

If you want it to work, you need to be able to A)keep your opponent from killing your models in the shooting phase, magic phase, and combat phase. You have the ring of hotek which is great, but that won't stop much magic on its own. If you look at the sylvan stalkers deathstar, it benefits from MR3. That is useful magic defense. In combat ASF is vital for elves to stay alive. Finally, high strength attacks are needed. Thus, give your khainite characters manbane and your normal ones GWs. This will help alot. The S3 attacks don't get through most stuff. If you could squeeze some of these ideas in, this might be more viable, but it will never stand up to a deathstar such as the shade deathstar as it is, or the drakenhoff deathstar.

If you still desire to play it, do so. Let us know if you have success with it.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:18 am
by Cyberactivity
The best deathstar unit that I've found is the Black Guard with the pendent BSB, ring of darkness lord, ring of hotek, ASF banner and hero with null tailsmans in it, all backed up by the cauldron.

I don't like the shade deathstar really as you still have no armour, and less attacks, and you have to use your BSB to get the ASF banner whereas the BG are already ITP and Stubborn which makes them rock solid.

A corsair deathstar would be worse than the shade one, which in turn I think is weaker than the BG option.