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New 2500 Point DE List with Life

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:42 am
by Sage
Hi Guys...
Although I'm not that new to Warhammer fantasy, I am still struggling to find a good list to play in tournaments. The reason for this is that in South Africa the Meta keeps on changing due to a couple of players that are really creative and find the most broken combo's. For example the strongest army use to be WOC with Demon Prince and Juggernauts, then got changed to WE with all their shooting when they received their new book, now it a bit of everything with a vampire army (Vampire bus) and HE army (Silverhelms, Dragon princes, Phoenix Guard, Eagles, and so forth, all being buffed by Shadow and High magic) in there as well.
The list below is me trying to counter all of that but still playing to my strengths, will explain my reason for each unit below list:

Lords: (250)
Supreme Sorceress: Level 4 (Life)
Opal Amulet
Scroll of Shielding

Heroes: (557)
Sorceress: Level 1 (Dark)
Dispel Scroll
Dark Steed
Master: Halberd
Heavy Armour
Sea Dragon Cloak
Dark Steed
Talisman of Preservation
Charmed Shield
Death Hag: Cauldron of Blood

Core: (625)
Dark Riders (x8): Shields
Standard Bearer
Dark Riders (x7): Shields
Standard Bearer
Witch Elves (x25): Full Command

Special: (878)
Shades (x6): Great Weapons
Standard Bearer – Eternal Flame
Shades (x5): Musician
Cold one Chariot:
Cold one Chariot:
Executioners (x20): Full Command
Bolt thrower:
Bolt thrower:

Rare: (200)
Warlocks (x8)

Total: 2500

Ok... so the idea is that the Master and sorceress joins the Warlock unit. Using Power to Darkness from lvl 1 sorceress to add dice to pool and buffing the unit. The SS will go into the executioner block providing buffs with life magic to the block as well as to the witch elf unit. The shades and dark riders will provide the army with some kiting ability and distraction while allowing the witches and executioners to move across the field and into combat, with the chariots hopefully hitting in the flanks.
The only thing I'm unsure about is the executioners as the HE and WE will go straight through them with ASF. (I think), just wondering if Black Guard might not be a better option.

Tell me what you guys think

Re: New 2500 Point DE List with Life

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:37 pm
by Boltshot525
Hey there.

So the first thing I would say is that shades cannot take the flaming banner since they can't take a magical banner at all.

Second, I would probably drop the dark rider units to being 5 man units and have 3 of them. This will allow you more much needed chaff to stop your opponent from abusing the frenzy of your witch elves.

I would say the same about the warlocks but I'm guessing you want to make a mini bus with the BSB correct?

I tend to find that 20 unsupported executioners usually don't preform as well as i would hope. Maybe consider adding a monster instead?

Otherwise I like the balance of magic/combat/shooting. I find that many good armies find a good mix with at least two of those.

Re: New 2500 Point DE List with Life

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:38 pm
by Boltshot525
I forgot one last thing. Have you considered using a comp system to balance you games? They will help ensure that your opponents don't bring broken combos and lists.

Re: New 2500 Point DE List with Life

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:44 pm
by Sage
Thank you Bolt for the advice...

Have play tested it a bit and made the following changes to it:
- Removed the shades as they are too situational
- Added 4x more executioners and made them fc
- Also added the Bloodwrack Shrine

Idea is to use dark magic on Level 4 and get word of pain hopefully and reduce their initiative along with shadow on level 1 and use melkoth miasma. Then putting the bloodwrack with the executioners.

Play testing this tonight so will see how it goes.

Re: New 2500 Point DE List with Life

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:16 pm
by Boltshot525
Adding the bloodwrack shrine is a great move. Iv been actually running 24 executioners and the shrine in my past few games with great success.

People freak out when they see the unit and shoot it up only to realize that the executioners themselves arnt worth that many points. Lore of life will definatly be your best friend with these guys.

Re: New 2500 Point DE List with Life

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:08 am
by Sage
Thank you for all the help Boltshot.

My list consisted of the following last night:

Supreme Sorceress
- Level 4 (Life)
- Opal Amulet
- Scroll of Shielding

- Halberd
- Heavy Armour
- Dark Steed
- Talisman of Preservation
- Charmed Shield

- Level 1 (Shadow)
- Dispel Scroll
- Dark Steed

Death Hag

Witch Elves x 25
- Full Command

Dark Riders x5
- Shield
- Crossbows
- SB

Dark Riders x5
- Shield
- Crossbows
- SB

Dark Riders x5
- Shield
- Crossbows
- SB

Executioners x24
- Full Command

Cold one Chariot

Cold one Chariot

Bolt Thrower

Bolt Thrower

Warlocks x 8

Bloodwrack Shrine

Ok so the level 4 and Bloodwrack went into the executioner squad, the master and the level 1 sorceress went into the warlock unit. The guy I played against played in my opinion had quite a strong HE army which consisted off Tyrion, Block of Silverhelms, Block of Dragon Princes, Block of Phoenix Guard, Level 4 Sorceress (shadow), level 2 Sorcerer (High), had soul quench ring as well, banner of the world dragon and all that non sense, two eagles, 2 units of Reavers. Tyrion was mounted and in the block of Dragon Princes, who also have banner of the world dragon, level 4 he was cautious with and kept her in one unit of reavers at the back, level 2 went with unit of Phoenix guard and buffed their ward save.

Mistakes were made on both sides. For example me forgetting that I didn't have witchbrew, lost ld test and charging into phoenix guard with witch elf unit. Luckily getting a rear charge in with my warlocks as well. Also some of my vanguard moves were noobish allowing charges from his eagles. He made two critical mistakes, one having his level 2 sorcerer leave the phoenix guard and attempting to soul quench my warlock unit twice, one ring and one spell, just in the end two warlocks died but the sorcerer got bolted from my bolt throwers and died the turn after, and having Tyrion leave Dragon Prince squad in order to try and flame my Executioner unit down the side which could have meant the loss of 13 models if I didn't manage to get 4++ save on them. In the end only 3 models died from the flaming attacks, next turn unit charged Tyrion held him in combat for 2 rounds before chariot charged him in flank and his last wound got taken away by impact hits.

I really like playing the Bloodwrack shrine and felt that it made more than up for its points especially with the minus 1 to leadership, plus 1 to leadership. I however feel that I should drop the either the level 1 or the warlock unit as there were to many spells to cast and I basically used her as an scroll carrier and didn't cast any spells from her.

I am going to play test the list some more, but how can I alter it by dropping the level 1. Thought off maybe adding another master, making it BSB and rather put it in the unit of the Executioners, as having the BSB run with the warlocks are extremely risky. Otherwise maybe using the points and adding some more warlocks to the fight might help as well

Re: New 2500 Point DE List with Life

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 5:40 am
by Boltshot525
Im glad ur enjoying the list. Im happy to help.

This list now seems much more streamlined and functional. As far as the Lvl 1, I would drop it and give the scroll to the lvl 4. Shielding is good but not all that important.

For the points you lose from the sorceress i would add 10 dark shards with the flaming banner. You already have a great shooting line with the two towers to defend it. The fire crossbows would defiantly help knock down the regeneration on some nasty units.

I would also take a musician or a champion with the dark riders instead of a banner. The musician can help you rally or win a combat and the champion has better shooting and can issue and accept challenges. The banner will only give you opponent victory points if they beat the soft fast fav in combat.