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Valten and Karl Franz

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 2:22 pm
by Sander
When will Valten and Karl Franz join the fight? Do we get a massive fight at the end?

Re: Valten and Karl Franz

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 9:25 pm
by Valtor the tainted
Sander wrote:When will Valten and Karl Franz join the fight? Do we get a massive fight at the end?
he has actually just been spoted in talabheim

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 9:47 am
by Mielkith
Im pretty sure they are supposed to arrve at the end of the 61 days. That is why Archaon has a time limit, if he can't conquer it in time he will be out numbered.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 9:26 pm
by Sander
So you cant use Valten or Karl Franz i a battle? GW will deside what happens when they arrive?

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 9:45 pm
by Anaryin
You can, it's up to you IMO. You can say your army with Valten and/or Karl Franz caught come *enter opponent army here* in the way to their destination and they fought them.


Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:17 pm
by Sander
Where will that count, will they arrive faster?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:19 pm
by Anaryin
Dunno. Probably not. As Mielkith said, they are supposed to arrive in 61 days so..

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:19 am
by Valtor the tainted
oh im sure they will arive about 5 days before it all ends after archaon breaches the walls

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:57 am
by Plaguescythe
i agree, then they will come and push him back out, and then well allwait for the next chosen of chaos

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:20 am
by Valtor the tainted
PlagueScythe wrote:i agree, then they will come and push him back out, and then well allwait for the next chosen of chaos

i now have hope up for the next champion of chaos to be a druchii anoited to start our war agaisnt the cult of slaanesh and plus the world would turn to us for releaf. And what shall we give them in return? WHY WE SHALL ENSLAVE THEM! :twisted:

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 7:57 am
by Goschlem
I don't think, that this will take place, but I'd enjoy it.