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SAU VIII: Inquisition

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:14 pm
by Tarbo
Something peculiar is in the air today. You find it difficult to put your finger on it, but as you find yourself washing up after a short night, a frisson runs down your back. There is definitely something different today. You shrug it off as you pull on your official robes and head out of your private quarters.

You meet a number of people already up and about. In the temple, there is always something going on, whether it is the day-to-day toil and grind, or an alleged incursion from up north. Not that you can get that much further north without crossing the fine line between order and Chaos, anyway.

This structure is one of the few that the Temple of Khaine—the Temple, for short—prides itself on having. It is self-contained in many aspects, built with versatility in mind: it functions as a temple in times of peace and as a citadel in times of war. Then again, it has been a long time since there has been war here. You don't blame would-be invaders for passing. The land here is not exactly choice location, and even though there are impressive structures, they do not make for terribly valuable real estate.

On your way to your duties, you are approached by some of your trusted guards. They inform you that there is a visitor here to see you, waiting in the audience chamber. You can only wonder what this visitor would want from you, and what station he must be to warrant your attention. Not to brag, but you're not exactly a peasant you ask directions. Your time is more valuable than to act as a signpost.

Perhaps your hunch has proven to be right? You pass on the thought for the moment, accepting each second as it comes, and taking each step to the audience chamber. The audience chamber is really just a glorified meeting room that serves as a more formal ensemble than the temple lounge or garden can summon on short notice. This would make the guest some sort of official, probably even from out of town.

You meet some of your fellows along the way. Though not exactly your peers, you all have one thing in common: you are each, in some way, pivotal to the functioning of the Temple here. Whether you be the administrative leader, the head messenger, or the witch's hag, you help make the Temple what it is and can be every day. Each of you has some pillar of responsibility, and while some pillars are admittedly supporting more ceiling than others, and probable some more than needed, you have come to depend on eachother. You have to: none of you can be everywhere at the same time.

You remember your previous line of thought, the structure that is the temple, that exemplifies the Temple. In a moment's notice, it can be turned into a veritable fortress of maze-like complexity by shutting down several utility corridors, opening pit traps and, when forced, collapsing fake ceilings.

Within the temple basement, and also spread at a few carefully chosen locations, are all the supplies necessary to hold off an all-out siege on the temple: at least enough to hold off an invasion until reinforcements arrive. Luckily, the temple has only been tested twice before, and there has been minimal damage to the structure.

You walk through a covered garden with strange plants. You've never really understood why there would be such exotic plants in the temple, but you suppose they can make for able poisons or, barring that, a pleasant smell. As long as one can resist the urge to eat the fungus, which hasn't proven to be much of a temptation, the inner garden can be quite pleasant. For those who aren't easily convinced, there is a sign indicating eating plants that grow in the garden is disapproved, and also very much not adviced.

Finally, the audience chamber. This is one of the less safe rooms, due to the large—albethey seriously fortified—windows giving out on the city outside. The double doors can be barricaded easily, and there are always at least two guards present. It's not a very entertaining task to be guarding this room, especially with the occasionally exceedingly dull meetings going on inside. The slang “pole duty,” while a bit out-of-context here, is often used, ever since a guard is reputed to have fallen asleep on his halberd.

When you and your colleagues enter the audience chamber, you already hear voices gently touching, as if perusing, your ears. A couple of people of import are present, of which only a few are unknown to you. Luckily, that means that you know, in an indirect sense, most of those present.

The first is the city's sorceress, Mioralynthia, also called the court sorceress, who usually resides in the gouvernment district. She doesn't meddle with politics, so she is occasionally called for duties not involving her sorcery, basically attending a meeting for impartial advice. You chuckle when you recall your previous thoughts concerning these meetings. Mioralynthia, Miora for short and Mi Amor for the tactless, rarely showed great gratitude for these quote-unquote honours.

The second person you recognise is the notably shorter Anleth, recently appointed captain of the guard at the temple. She is responsible for security and serves as a kind of internal police chief. She is very young for the job, lacking experience, but since the temple hasn't been in need for enhanced security in a long time, and the previous captain left no replacement upon his retirement, there were no objections to letting Anleth, who showed remarkable devotion and talent, take up the sceptre.

Of course, there are rumours that Anleth was only given the job because she would be related to Mioralynthia, but nobody has been so tactless or scrutinous to verify that. After all, Anleth isn't exactly a political heavyweight capable of toppling you on a whim, so few bother and even less care.

A third person would be Tarbo. You've met and seen him once or twice, and he leaves a vague imprint in your memory: you wouldn't have recalled him off-hand, but seeing him brings about a fuzzy feeling of recollection, as if comtemplating modest nostalgia. His title is something of a mystery, although unofficially, he's what you could call a Mr. Fixit. Why he would be here right now defeats immediate reasoning. You reckon you will find out soon enough; obviously, a problem needs fixing.

A fourth person remains unknown to you before long. He looks slightly older than your average elf, although you're not sure whether this is actually true; in a sense, his apparent age seems to stem from a frail figure, an uneasy gaze, and a slightly uneven grin. “These would be them, yes?” his first words are.

Anleth hesitates before answering, looking everyone over briefly, in particular this strange figure, before answering: “Yes, these are the majesties you requested to see.”

“Now, now, my dear, majesties they're not. There are a few rotten apples amongst them, don't you agree?”

“Actually,” Tarbo interrupts, “apples are apples, whether they're rotten or not.”

“Yes, well...” He takes a deep breath and foregoes on pleasantries—or what he would consider pleasantries—in favour of shock effect, if any. “Naggarond grows concerned with the increasing laxity that seems to fester here. Rumours go that people are becoming creative in their interpretation of the religion and indulge themselves overly. I am here to put a stop to that.”

A grin grows on his face, showing a wrinkle in his lips. “This temple is now under inquisition. I am taking command of this structure until I've ferretted out each and every one of your dirty little secrets. And in case any of you get funny ideas, Tarbo is assigned to watch over my safety. Consider that a warning.” He nods once, not awaiting any sense of confirmation, then leaves. “Come, Tarbo.”

Tarbo sucks his cheeks briefly and follows the man with a bored stare. “Oui, mon capitaine,” he mutters under a sigh.

There is an understandable amount of trepidation abound in the vacuum left by the two visitors. Confused stares and phrases are thrown about, mostly asking what on earth is going on, what people are to do, and where in the blazes that guy got the nerve to stand you up!

“Please,” Anleth attempts to calm the uprising-to-be. “I have seen the documents he carries, and they appear legitimate. The temple is under martial law until the investigation is finished.” Martial law... there's a fine line between Druchii rule and martial law, or so you were told in classes, but exactly defining that fine line hasn't proven to be all that easy.

“I have asked for milady Mioralynthia's presence to take over administrative duties, so the temple can run at least partly in your absence. As for us...” Anleth takes a deep breath; she doesn't seem to have an easy way to say it, so she is glad Mioralynthia steps in.

“We should be doing this so-called ferretting ourselves,” Miora claims. “I'm sure you'll follow my statement when I say that we should not tolerate outside involvement into private affairs. We should be able to take care of this ourselves. Now, we can't just start bashing doors and turning over bookshelves at will. As long as you are relieved of your duties, we will be residing here. If more than half of you agrees on investigating someone, I will give the order and Anleth will carry it out with your blessing.”

You press your lips at the proceedings. An inquisition in an inquisition? Still, considering the obvious kicks your 'legal' inquisitor seems to get out of this, you assume that it will be slightly more discreet to do the job yourselves. If you have something to hide, it will also be easier to do so.

And so, the first day begins...
  1. Ilokir
  2. Morvai
  3. Drakhan
  4. Raziel02
  5. The Liger
  6. Lamehk the Slavemaster
  7. rankrath
  8. Ashnari Doomsong
  9. Tylarion
  10. Malevion
  11. Darmort
  12. Spire
  13. SleekDD
  14. XtremeNL
  15. Mel'Reyna
  16. Telrunya

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:15 pm
by Sleekdd
Sleek Doral, an older Elf decked in his red-and-black armour and donning a red cape, looked insulted by the Inquisitor’s insinuations. He had been around few quite a while now, joining this temple after a life of spreading Khaine’s word by virtue of the sword and a whole lot of convincing arguments he hammered home using said instrument. Those days had passed, however, and now, he had retired here to use his hard-earned experience to support this forgotten bastion of the Bloody-Handed God.

“Who does that…man, think we are? Children?”

Sleek- as he was called by anyone he considered a friend and that was the entirety of this council (just to make it easier on you guys :P ) – rose from his seat and took a breath to start one of his famous speeches.

“We are all high ranking dignitaries of the one true god of the Druchii and yet he believes we cannot settle our own affairs? All that was needed was a simple messenger delivering an even simpler note and the matter would’ve been resolved. Internally.

Still, despite the presence of that antagonizing persona, I have yet to see the day the Temple was wrong in its assumptions of disloyalty. If there are amongst us that have been taking ‘shortcuts’ in their worship, I am certain we can take matters into our own hands and…rectify the situation.”

He paced around the table and the other councilors. Quite an annoying habit unless one was willing to crane his neck to follow the slightly limping elf.

“We should be aware, however, that those we are seeking have been our friends and colleagues for decades, if not centuries. This means that there are those amongst us who have been able to weave a web of illusions and misconceptions to misguide the true followers.

Yes, our enemies are unmistakably cunning and devious to be able to lapse into a life of crime under our very eyes. I therefore suggest we look to one another with renewed interest and an open mind. Even your closest friend or fiercest enemy could be the one we are looking for.”

Sleek had come full circle and effortfully sat back down in his seat.

“Let us show that we, the governing body of this Temple has an ample supply of talent to root out any form of dissent.”

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:52 pm
by Raziel02
Raziel sat comfortably in his chair, looking around the other Druchii, Sleek Doral gave a short speeach, which Raziel respectfully listned to, the elf raised some respectable points to take into consdieration.

'We are indeed in an..odd situation, to be turned against one another, certainly not a pleasent experince to fight my own people, especially when we could be fighting enimies that deserve the Druchii blade, but khaine has obviously granted this for a reason, and if this speticle will bring good fortune or disaster, i will trust in khiane,it sandens me that we should be brought to such a place, and to think our society is festered with tratiors, wavering to other lesser races, all i can hope is that khaine will aid the true followers to glory, so that we can clense the filth from our midsts''

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:54 pm
by Ilokir lúinwë
Ilokir, quite an old elf, distict by his white hair and dark blue armour nods, and declares: "I totally agree Raziel, the thought of dissidents amongst us is just disgusting. We should take all efforts to route this cancer."
After making his statement, Ilokir takes his seat again and waits for reactions of his fellow councillors.

OOC: sorry for the short post, I'm quite ill. I will become better within a few days I hope...

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:11 am
by Xtremenl
XtremeNL, a middle aged elf was playing with a small dagger, his eyes a cold grey, and his hair almost the same clour as his skin.

"It is indeed dire news that this hasn't been handled internally yet, wich all the more tells us that the weak links in Khaine's chainmail are not to be taken to light."

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:20 am
by Malevion
Malevia D'fein swept the chamber with her disdainful stare. Her piercing yellow eyes seemed to gaze into the very souls of the assembled clergy. She is a young and hauntingly beautiful elf, notable for her silky black hair and ivory white skin.

"Greetings fellow disciples of Khaine. As many of you know I am Malevia D'fein, priestess of Khaine. I rejoice to hear that the masters of the church have decided to purge this temple of it's sin. For too long I have noted that certain members of the temple have been lax in their duties, though I did not realise that this was a sign of vile cult infiltration. I pray that the vile heretics will be rooted out and slain in the name of our mighty Lord!"

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:29 am
by Spire
The tall, heavily-armoured elf glanced around the room searchingly, his dark eyes flitting from one person to the next as his pale white hair whipped around his face. He had acquired the nickname Spire a long time ago, mostly for his height, which was considerable, even by elven standards; most of the other occupents of the room would have barely been as high as his shoulder.
"I would conncur with those who have spoken." he stated, loud enough for all to hear him, but no louder, "The vermin must be exterminated. I personally pladge my blade to this should it be needed; this corruption shall be cleansed."
Casting a second glance at some of the others he added, "That is not something we shoud doubt. If we do not view victory as certain then it shall not be. Hence I say they shall be cleansed."

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:26 am
by Drakhan
Drakhan glanced around at the others in the room. He's eyes stoped on Sleek for a moment and a wave of anger pulsed though him. Finding no explanation for his disgust at the elf Drakhan mentaly noted to keep an eye on that one.

"Well I belive the hunt has began." Said Drakhan. These little cultist inflitraitors seem to have gotten quite nosy of late."

Drakhan twisted the iron band marking him as an officer of the guard, around his finger and considered his chances. Not the best he addmitted to himself.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:22 pm
by Rankrath
Rankrath cracked his fingers as the others spoke. Seeing that no one else had anything to say, Rankrath stood, his mail shirt clinking gently. "It disgusts me to see the Druchii following chaos like humans do. I say cleansing ourselves is not enough. We should bend them back over Khaines’ alter, and offer their souls up to him like the human scum they are.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:39 pm
by Raziel02
''I think that these tratoirs souls are not worthy of being sacrficed to our mighty God, i am shure it would leave a foul taste with him, the mere pleasure of seeing his loayl servants execute his enimies, will be enough, but be warned this execution must be carried out in an succeful way, if it has come to a situation where we are looking for enimies within are own people, then we must do this with extreme caution, we can not afford to see khaines loaly followers be cast away from our ranks we need purity within our race, and to sluaghter and butcher everyone we susspect will result in the Druchii wipeing themselves out, therefore we can not make any harsh or rash decions, hard eveidence is required in order to find our elusive prey''

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:55 pm
by Darmort
"More Slaaneshi? Well, hardly surprising, to be honest. They strike everywhere. Now, how to catch them; we won't by being idle, and we won't by being over dramatic about accusations; I suggest that we be tread carefully and think, rather than act."

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 3:36 pm
by Sleekdd
“May I remind the council that the Inquisitor has not mentioned Slaaneshi being present here? He merely suspects deviance. If anyone has other information, he would do best to step forward with it. May I also remind the council that it is us who are supposed to do Khaine’s work and not the other way around? It is us who have to search out the—“

Sleek’s eyes snapped to Drakhan, catching something.

“Am I boring you, Drakhan?
Sleek cocked his head a little to display his annoyance. Most of the time, he would get so swept up in his own trademarked speeches that little if anything would catch his attention anymore. But sometimes, every once in a while, he’d catch something and Drakhan had the dubious honour of being picked out…and on.

“As I was saying, we will have to act and will have to act on instinct and good faith. At least, for the time being. Remember, we have to attain a majority to search one’s quarters and only there can we hope to find the solid evidence some of us are hoping to find.

I therefore suggest that, unless anyone has a better idea, we select a member of the council whom we feel trustworthy and let him lead our votes for this day. And since Drakhan is obviously bored to tears with the whole incident, I suggest he places the first vote.”

“Was this the kind of excitement you were looking for in my speech, officer?”


OOC: nothing personal, Drakhan. ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:45 am
by Drakhan
Drakhan tried to look abit more alert, deciding it was more effort then it was worth he slumped back into his causal stance.

"Trust eh? Tell me Sleek Doral, have you suddenly taken up the ways of the puny little Asur? Are you making a rather pathitic joke? Or are you simply an idiot? We are druchii. Even if trust would benifit us do you think for one moment that any of us would trust people that we hardly even know? If my own family was here I would happily vote against anyone of them if I suspect that they had forsaken Khaine."

Drakhan paused a moment. "If you seriously wish a vote made by me, then dont hold your breath. No matter how boring you may be I can be paitent when i must."

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:30 am
by Tarbo
“Perhaps,” Anelth cues in, a slight of stress showing in a tremble of the lips before regaining her composure. “Perhaps we're being carried away here. We are attempting to resolve the issue discreetly and internally. A sudden surge in the ritual sacrifice of Temple dignitaries will draw unwanted attention.

“Milord Doral is correct in that we are under investigation for laxity and excessive indulgence. There may be some that have taken to a more creative approach to Khaine's worship than the Temple would allow. I doubt we are under active Slaaneshi infiltration... at least of the kind that would warrant wanton slaughter of our nobility.”

Anleth is thrown a brief, meaningful look by the administrative head of the assembly, Mioralynthia, and takes a step back to her position: with the guards. Captain of them she may well be, but that warrants her the right to be addressed by, not to question, the accounted dignitaries.

“You have shown laxity in your devotion all this time, or so I am to believe,” Mioralynthia addressed the assembly. “You will forgive me if I take your claims of quick, decisive action with a grain of salt, a smile, and fitting skepticism.” She helps herself to a glass of water to break the monotony of her own actions, which seemed rather Napoleonistic in reality: sit, listen, look pretty and, occasionally, snipe.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:32 am
by Xtremenl
"Drakhan and Sleek, are you always this brotherly?" XtremeNL said to the two, a smile on his face.
"There had better not be true Slaaneshites amonsgt us, or we have indeed become very lax, and mass execution would almost make sense in that case. As matters are now though, I don't think I can do much in the way of proper action, despite Mioralynthia's pressure. I won't make a andom vote, and I got no more than randomness to go by."

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:01 am
by Sleekdd
Sleek nodded pensively while listening to Drakhan’s reply.

“Yes, yes, I think I noticed a flaw there. You see, no record has ever indicated that careful consideration on the very first day of the deliberations has ever amounted to anything else but an impasse. What’s worse, that impasse was not solved during the second day because people lacked the backbone to act on the first one. This process would go on and on and on until all the cowards were dead.”

“On the other hand, being the first to vote is not a position anyone would like to be in. After all, the council could turn on him or her with the reason of that one being too bloodthirsty. Hence my plan to appoint someone we feel we can trust and he or she can place the vote with the others following. This reduces the chances of a bold dissenter leading the council.

I just happened to trust you, Drakhan, and I would’ve backed your vote with mine but I see now my plan was flawed. It may have been a little…too clever for the likes of you? After all, how can you claim not to know those present here? You’ve been working with them for decades. Where have you been?”

Sleek gazed through the window for a moment, seeing the sun traverse across the sky towards the end of its journey.

“Right, the staring contest should end here and now. We can not afford mute councillors nor can we afford witless ones. I will place a random vote, assuming that the silent ones are the ones we are looking for. Should, however, Drakhan come to his senses or perhaps Malevia be willing to take up the gauntlet, I will gladly back their guess. Random votes and educated guesses are the name of the game here.”

“This does not, in any way, mean that others are not encouraged to speak their minds, by the way. It strikes me as the council is hoping to wrap itself in silence while a few braver individuals take all the chances.”

Vote: Tylarion

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:25 am
by Drakhan
Drakhan rolled his eyes. "I am of corse familer with some of those present however for one thing I ussaly do not remain to long inside the temple. And once I return it is ussaly to train more troops or restock on supplies. That and I do not tend to socalize. Basicly Ive spoken to you all and know you by name. And not much more then that."

"On isusses of trust. All people with a right to be here serve the god of Murder. Trusting followers of a god like that, wheather or not you serve him, isnt the most intelligent thing youll ever do."

Drakhan resumed his twisting of the iron band. "Ill grant you one point, we cant waste council space with mutes or the idiots. I will give Tylarion and the rest abit of time to talk up. If it gets to the point they seem to have their lips sealed then I will add my vote to yours. It is the day isnt old yet Doral. We can afford some time, killing ourselves because we wish to rush things is foolish. I will vote within a few hours though. Dont you worry."

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:37 am
by Drakhan
Drakhan waited a minute for speaking up again. "Forgive me lady Malevia but if you have obbserved those lax in their worship why have you not taken steps to solve this little problem? And additionaly under the light of the suspected invaders might you shed afew names within and without this room worthy of investagation?"

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:12 pm
by Tylarion
OOC: voting me because I don't visit as much as eh?

IC: "I see here 16 person and only 8 have spoken yet. So tell me should I be honoured that you choose me out of them?" Tylarion paused. "I will not counter vote you though, as I don't have any idea who might be the infiltrators, or if you are among them"

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:53 pm
by Telrunya
"I believe there are two main contributors to this discussion."

Telrunya's white hair bestowed him an elderly appearance. Appearances may deceive, yet hearing his bones snap on a rainy day would remove all doubt.

"I take liking to Sleek's idea --I may address you as Sleek, yes?-- it seems this might be the correct way to overcome the impasse we find ourselves in."

"Drakhan, I couldn't help but notice the iron band you carry. May I assume you to be a member of the guard? I apologise for my knowledge on the subject to be less than contemporary; I fear my account with officers of the law limits itself to asking directions."

"Were this to be the case, perhaps Sleek's investment of trust in you to place the first vote is easily called justifiable. Yet, I wonder at your determination to not place a vote. Surely, if any were to have an idea of whom to suspect, it should be the officers of the law."

"Or do you have reasons to believe some degree of evidence will surface over the course of this day?"

Re: SAU VIII: Inquisition

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:07 pm
by Tarbo
  1. Ilokir
  2. Morvai
  3. Drakhan
  4. Raziel02
  5. The Liger
  6. Lamehk the Slavemaster
  7. rankrath
  8. Ashnari Doomsong
  9. Tylarion
  10. Malevion
  11. Darmort
  12. Spire
  13. SleekDD
  14. XtremeNL
  15. Mel'Reyna
  16. Telrunya
Players who have not yet posted are marked in dark on the list. Please note that the deadline is set to pass between Wednesday 12h00 and Thursday 12h00, and that players who have not posted by the time the Day passes are removed from the game.
  1. Sleek Doran (SleekDD)

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 2:02 pm
by Tylarion
OOC: when I use firefox I don't see the dark text, though I do with IE.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:32 pm
by The liger
Lord Liger is an old elf, surely nearing 2000, and like Ilokir, his hair is white. He wears no armour, simply black robes, with silver-white lining. However, his eyes blaze green, and within he seems full of energy and power, despite his age.

"Well, Sleek, a surprising sudden vote there," the elf says, his voice unexpectedly strong and without trembling, for his age. "However, an interesting strategy. It could help or hinder us, but personally I think that the risk might be worth taking...

"However, if we instead kill a loyalist, we may lose more than just one member, but some special skills that could help us in our quest. In a random vote with 16 members in the council, the chance of success is slim, and if we instead do nothing we will lose one member, but perhaps still not find any clue or pattern to the kill...

"It seems that a random vote will help some action on this first day, and at least show that we are not unwilling to act. If we lose a loyalist then it is unfortunate, but I for one will take that risk, and vote: Tylarion."

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:29 pm
by Malevion
Malevia fixed Drakhan with her piercing gaze and smiled coldly.

"Well my dear Drakhan, I have indeed noticed that some members of the temple are rather lax. You for instance are a temple guardian of some note..yes? That the temple is under inquisition for suspected infiltrators does not speak well for your devotion to duty does it now? Is it not your role to protect against such things?"

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:45 pm
by Ashnari doomsong
Ashnari snorts.
"Hmph. So, we're resorting to killing off people on a gamble. This is, mayhaps, unwise, but it's the only thing we can do. I am not certain, however, that we should. I will hold my vote for now."