First 2400 point list

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First 2400 point list

Post by Dhak »

Me, and some friends, decided to start playing warhammer again so after lurking around and gathering as much information as I can from the forums I'm here to ask you all your honest opinions on a list I've made. I'm know that it's far from optimal (Dreadlord on a dragon screams awesomeness to me!) but I'm looking to have fun with friends, that being said, I'd rather not get tabled :D So If there are any glaring mistakes, or just plain rule breaking selections don't hesitate to point them out! I'll be playing mostly against a very combaty Dwarf list, a very shooty woodelf list and a very skaveny skaven list...

Dreadlord = 559
Heavy armour
Cloak of twilight
Black Dragon
Sea dragon cloak
Potion of strength

Supreme Sorceress = 270 Lore of Shadow
Level 4
Sacrificial dagger
Dispell scroll

Lords choices = 829/1200

Master = 135 (BSB)
Heavy armour
Sea dragon cloak
enchanted Shield

Assassin = 155
dark venom
Sword of anti heroes
The other trickster's shard

Hero choices = 290/1200

Bleakswords x 29 = 261 (level 4 goes here)

Darkshards x 10 = 130

Dark Riders x 5 = 100

Dark Riders x 5 = 100

Core choice = 601/600 min

Black guard x 29 = 510 (BSB goes here)
Full command
Razor banner

Cold One Knights x 5 = 180
Full command

Special choices = 690/1200

TOTAL POINTS = 2400/2400

I do worry about my dragon lord not having a ward save in combat, or a charmed shield for those inevitable cannon balls to the face, But i can't really see where I can squeeze anymore points out.

As I said any help/suggestions or critique is welcomed!
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