An Achievement page

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An Achievement page

Post by Daeron »


It would be nice to see some fun competition and contests going on this forum again.. but I often wonder how we can reward the winners of a competition. It seems to be a modern-time trend to include achievements in games. Perhaps we can build such a system too?

Such a page with "Druchii Achievements" would display all achievements ever awarded on the forum. The achievements could be generated with a tool, accessible only to admins/mods, which reflects systems such as these:

It could make a fancy, unique Druchii-looking image which includes:
- the title of the achievement
- the date it was awarded
- the name of the contender who gained the achievement

I have built such generators in the past. I can do it again.. though I'll have to look into the security so only moderators can make it.

It's nothing essential to the community, but it could be a fun addition.

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Re: An Achievement page

Post by Dyvim tvar »

I think this would be pretty cool--especially if people could display them in their signatures.
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Re: An Achievement page

Post by xFallenx »

Both of those suggestion sound great.
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Re: An Achievement page

Post by Rork »

It would be good if it could be displayed in the profile, especially the forum profile on the left <--. That way it is a bit more special than just a signature image.

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Re: An Achievement page

Post by Daeron »

That would require more coding, but it could be worked on. I'll work the design a bit.
I love me a bowl of numbers to crunch for breakfast. If you need anything theoryhammered, I gladly take requests.

Furnace of Arcana, a warhammer blog with delusional grandeur.

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