Tutorial Subsection to Painting & Modelling Forum

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Karak Norn Clansman
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Tutorial Subsection to Painting & Modelling Forum

Post by Karak Norn Clansman »

Chaos Dwarfs Online, being a creative hobby hub from the very start, have a larger hobby section than does most forums. Though it might not be of interest for this site to expand its own hobby forum section to the full extent which CDO has done, it should be apparent that there is something to gain from having a dedicated Tutorial section, i.e. only for tutorials and not for tutorial requests (those would go in M&P general). The ease of finding tutorial resources should not be underestimated in the longer scheme of things. Nurture your forum as a hobby hub, and keep a handy record of tutorials in a way which no Facebook thing ever can do.

As for tutorials, would it make sense to have them broken down into the subsections Modelling Tutorials and Painting Tutorials? Would make it even easier to find what one is looking for, especially when the mass of material grows in time.

Just an idea. :)
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Re: Tutorial Subsection to Painting & Modelling Forum

Post by Calisson »

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Re: Tutorial Subsection to Painting & Modelling Forum

Post by cultofkhaine »

Thanks for this looks great!

Sorry have been way busy of late to look at this
Karak Norn Clansman
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Re: Tutorial Subsection to Painting & Modelling Forum

Post by Karak Norn Clansman »

Calisson wrote:Which made me wonder, whether the Scalemail and the Flayman were not considered quick enough, and the Phalle not dirty enough? :lol:

Haha, right!

The scalemail and flayman tutorials are from before I did the skull tutorial, which I named quick 'n' dirty to describe something potentially complicated done in one swoop without waiting for parts to dry before proceeding. Will redo the scalemail tutorials and add some variants later, also quick 'n' dirty. As for the phallus, it's quick 'n' dirty (just ask your wives and girlfriends...) but to hint easily offended people off what they're about to look on, I named it Anatomy: Phallic sculpting instead. That should do the trick. :D
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