Just checkign to see if there is any life on the forum, haven't been here in a long time. The old world is coming back, so might as well see if we can get some beasties in the Dreadlord's Menageries

The end goal is to make a serpentine monster. The head is a Spellthirster Sphynx that is a spare head. The other went to the mini for a Tzeentchen SLaves of Chaos army. The two arms are spare arms form the Vortex Beast kit as it could be a mutalith vortex beast, or it could be a Slaughter Brute which these two would be added to.
The tail is an old Pewter Hydra, 7th eddition, one. I used the other for Blue Berry the Great and Terrible.
The clay I got, not sure if they still ake it, I usualy get as its a air dry one (made from paper apparently). Usually don't use the whole block so right now experimenting with soaking it a bit.
The next task will be to make it coil around, have the tail and the head skywards with the arms sticking out the back. As its a slanneshy build, probably something light purples with a pink belly. Not sure about the hair yet.