Has anyone thought about converting your fan fic into origionl fiction?

Stories, fluff, army fluff, your own fluff ideas, and other creations concerning the Druchii, the End Times Elves or the Exile Aelves go here!

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Has anyone thought about converting your fan fic into origionl fiction?

Post by Saintofm »

If 50 shades can make a million bucks, why not us? I have grown in my writing skills considerably (to the point rereading my Birth of a Dark Elf I think I would have cut half the descriptors and how patient were you guys to put up with my run on sentences?)

If so how much did you have to file off the perverbial serial numbers to make it work?
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Re: Has anyone thought about converting your fan fic into origionl fiction?

Post by Calisson »

There are would-be writers aplenty. Among them, some write.
There are still many writers. Among them, some push their work to editors.
There are few documents that editors believe to have the potential to be successful. Additionally some authors who cannot find editors go for self-edition.
Among the printed books, the large majority do not sell much. Very few sell enough for a reprint.
Ultimately, talent, luck, self-confidence, editor's flair, commercial aggressiveness, critics' appraisal, librarians' taste, all are necessary for a success like 50 Shades.

Chances of success are slim. What is certain is that if you renounce writing, they drop to zero.
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