Putting all the SAU's in their own little place?

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Moderator: The Dread Knights

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Should a SAU subforum be created under the Role Players header or not?

Poll ended at Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:51 pm

Total votes: 0

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Putting all the SAU's in their own little place?

Post by Kinslayer »

There has been some discussion lately in the dark abyss we RPG mods call our forum, and we are looking into generally 'tidying up' the RPG section and making it easier to use. One thing that came to our attention was that the SAU (Slaanesh Amongst Us) Roleplays are scattered across various boards on the forum, with no easy way of finding them without using the search function. My question to you, the masses of Dnet, is this;

Do you feel the site would benefit from a SAU specific forum (for all SAU games and SAU discussion past, present and future) within the RPG section of the site?

Or do you feel things are fine the way they are?

Please vote wisely, and tick undecided if you're not really swaying one way or the other on this or not at all concerned if it goes ahead or not (this keeps the voting fair and accurate, which will help the Mods and Admins decide if any action should be taken).

You have one vote. Use it wisely.
~ Kinslayer, RPG Moderator Team.
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Post by Kinslayer »

Just bumping this back into peoples "posts since last visit" lists... though it seems to be going fairly one way at the moment.

The poll is set to run for 30 days by the way, after which we can make a decision.
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Post by Kinslayer »

Again, just reminding people that this poll is still ongoing. Please feel free to vote if you are for or against the new subforum being created.
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Post by Kinslayer »

The poll has now ended. I will show the results to the Admins and we shall see what happens from there.

Thanks for sharing your views, the outcome seems positive indeed.
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