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Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:22 am
by Calisson
Last duel in the pit.

- The order given to Helleryia was to scream and shout and do everything possible to distract Kaladeth, and to watch out for Rast.
- No order was yet given to Rast.
- Metarchis did not cast anything from the water. He swam as fast as possible to the spur (6 min).
- Kaladeth concentrated on a spell to lift her from the water. After one minute, she was ascending on a pillar of darkness which would last 6 minutes.


- Kaladeth was standing now above the water pond, the eyes filled with incredible hallucinations which would arrive randomly during the same time span. As she looked at the direction of the spur, the cloud moved her towards that direction.
- Helleryia did not know what to do, her screams seemed not to have any affect on Kaladeth. Fortunately, Rast was not of concern.
- Annoyed at Hellerya’s screams, Kaladeth snapped her fingers and released a mighty spell. Dozens of shadows bolts rushed towards the petrified girl.
- With a last scream, Helleryia fainted (it was becoming a habit, now) and fell flat on the spur.
- With a terrible laugh, Kaladeth ordered Rast to take care of the unconscious beauty.
- The zombie grumbled and proceeded on to stampede her with delight.
- Surprised to see her victim raising again in the shape of a white swan, preparing to escape, Kaladeth made swift moves and uttered loudly a single word: “Pain!”. A terrible blast was heard.
Hit by surprise, the swam transformed itself in a dark lizard and avoided the dark energy. Another attempt worked better and the lizard took back an elvish shape, no longer moving on the spur.
<OOC: cast successfully, but resisted once. Cast again, no resisted that time.>IC


- Soon enough, the poor body was no longer recognizable under the zombie's bloody feet. Her gentle chat would never again be heard on Earth.
- Kaladeth was now able to land on the spur, with all the dignity required by her recent nomination as Morathi's champion.
- In order to rest a little after her spells, and pushed by her feminine curiosity, she looked inside the bag which was left on the spur. What was in there?
- Actually, there was a rattlesnake inside.
- Kaladeth recognized the shape quickly and managed to drop the bag before the snake had any chance to react. <OOC: I test and D test passed.>
- Her curiosity satisfied, with a new body available, Kaladeth rose the corpse as a new zombie on her side.
Upon the first attempt, a glorious zombie rose and smiled at her. Kaladeth was surprised to see the new zombie fly around in happiness, but soon she landed in front of her and pledged allegiance.


- Meanwhile, Metarchis was still swimming. He was surprised to see that Helleryia was now standing next to Kaladeth but not attacking her at all. He suspected some trick but could not understand what was going on. He yelled “attack her” but his beloved one did not react.
- That was too much. Despite being still in the water, he launched his most dreadful spell, consuming his last, most precious component in the process. It missed with a nauseous smell.
He tried again, missed again, and couldn’t barely see anything anymore. The third attempt worked, but he was now near deaf.
<OOC: these side effects last near 1 minute>IC
- Kaladeth was blasted unconscious on the spur.
Metarchis yelled “Helleryia, my love, kill that sorceress!” and resumed his swimming, towards a direction he could now only barely guess with difficulty.
<OOC: Fury of Khaine magic missile. A.+0, B.+1, C.+1, D.+0, E.+2, F.-2, G.-1, H.-1, I.+1, J.+0, K.+0, total +1 rolled 1, miss. Next attempts are at I-2, K+1, total -1. Kala missed her spell resistance, she was KO for 6 seconds.>IC
- Alas, Helleryia was no more, and the zombie which had taken her shape did not do anything.


- After a few seconds, Kaladeth came back to consciousness. She realized that her foe was still dangerous and required her full attention.


At present, Kaladeth was standing on the spur, with her two zombies on her side.
Metarchis was still swimming, half blind and half deaf, barely able to guess the general direction of the spur. <OOC: soon to regain sight and hearing>IC
The snake had decided to go back inside its bag, near the torch, where at least a minimum heat was remaining.

<OOC: one last spectacular, fluffy post, please, now that the issue is quite clear - but who knows?>

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:14 pm
by Malus99
Kala saw the first raindrops flutter down from above like a shower of bejewelled insects, the light patter as they struck the floor was the sweetest music, haunting echoes of lost melodies hovered on the edge of hearing, tracing blinding paths of luminescence through the shimmering sheets of water. The world sparkled with colour as if someone had opened a jar of rainbows and sprinkled them through the air, the cold stone of the spur gleamed white like marble, chased with veins of volcanic red and rippling with flashes of sunflower-yellow every time a droplet struck the ground. The air was alive with electric sparks of blue light, the cavern draped in streamers of pink that exploded into fountains of roses as the storm swept past,
Building into novas of vibrant hues that swept from one end of the spectrum to the other, shattering like fireworks that whirled in dizzying cartwheels of fire, streaking through the winds as swallows before diving upon the inhabitants of the spur with the fury of the hawk.
Kaladeth watched, wide eyed, as time slowed to a crawl. A fragment of sapphire roaring with the face of a dragon, bloomed into an orb of petals that spun lightly on the breeze. From within burst a halo of swords that descended in a deadly hail, Kala shrieked and cowered as their razored edges flew towards her in a wave of steel death. Crouching on the ground, arms over her head in a vain attempt to protect herself, she watched as the first blade struck the ground with a wet phlop, and the asp slithered away. Straightening cautiously, Kala lowered her arms as more of the snakes slapped onto the floor and melted away, one landed squarely across her shoulders and began to coil around her neck. She stroked it fondly as it looped around her body, feeling the slick scales purring across her skin. It was warm and soft, like a favourite old scarf, she closed her eyes and relaxed into its fuzzy embrace, her mind drifting away on the current.

Her eyes snapped open. Kaladeth shook her head groggily, trying to clear it. She was on the spur, Rast stood a few paces from her, covered in blood and soaked to the skin, rotting flesh hanging off in putrefied strips. It was cold, and wet. Kala shivered as she felt the rain streak down her back, shards of ice clawing at her flesh. The cavern was dark and gloomy, a sickening green haze washed across the desolate vista, the incessant drumming of rain like thousands of impatient fingers on a table, over and over. A dank smell, grave mould and sickbed, wormed its way into her nostrils, almost causing her to double over and retch. The iron-grey stone below her writhed with worms of crimson ink that crawled into oblivion, Kala slowly traced them back to their source. In a heap a few yards away lay a mangled corpse, lank hair hanging in strips matted with blood and rain, ragged gashes and rents in the skin oozing their life onto the unforgiving rock. Limbs were twisted at unnatural angles, clothing ripped and torn and sodden. She had been pretty, once, but now her body lay broken, a heap of torn flesh and shattered bone, a chilling look of horror frozen onto what was left of her face.
The memories rushed back in a tide, hitting Kala like a slap in the face, leaving her gasping as her mind was overwhelmed. The cold sea, rising from the waves on her cloud of darkness, the fighting, the screams, and the bells, ringing, ever ringing, they still tormented her. She remembered why she was here, why it was raining, what she was doing, realising that drawing so deeply on the winds of magic had not been without cost, she had almost lost herself in the visions earlier, before paradise had been so unrelentingly crushed by hellish reality.

Lost in her reverie, Kaladeth did not notice the shudders and twitches of movement beneath her until Helleryia, or whatever she had become, climbed haltingly back to her feet. Rain streamed down her face, pooling in the horrendous gaping wound that stretched from the centre of her forehead to the ruin of her chin. Her right eye was crushed, the socket fractured and split open in a pulpy mess that wept a foul, sludge-coloured ooze of brain matter, vitrious jelly and congealed blood mixed with the noxious corpse rain. Across her chest and abdomen, long furrows the colour of midnight criss-crossed in the mad trails Kala’s dark magic had left on the young slave’s body, her limbs similarly marked by the touch of Dhar and mottled with the dark purple of deep bruising. Animated by the power of the sorceress, Helleryia stood, ready to serve her new master.

As the rain began to subside, a voice echoed up from the waters below.
“Attack her!” Bellowed Metarchis, his voice strained by his trials in the freezing depths of the sea, but still far more alive than Kaladeth wanted. But the Khainite woman made no move to carry out his orders, her will fled from her mortal remains when she was killed, leaving behind a shell which Kaladeth now manipulated as her puppet. Kala heard the elf of the temple shout in rage, in the depths below he was cursing and chanting, flailing in the water and screaming incantations in a language she did not recognise. There was a deafening bang and a flash of light, Kala’s eyes widened in surprise as she saw a fist of raw power streaking towards her. She threw up a shield to protect herself, and felt it crack, splinter, shatter as the magical missile smashed through. It struck her in the midriff, and stars dotted her vision at the force of impact, the world went blurry and she felt herself falling, unable to stop.
Then everything went white, and she passed out.

Kala awoke with a startled shout, surprised to find herself alive. She leapt to her feet, a wave of nausea and dizziness washing over her as she came fully back to her senses. How long had she been out? Where was Metarchis? These questions were answered soon enough, she could still here splashing in the water, someone swimming. Metarchis must still be down there, it couldn’t have been long then. Instantly she began to draw up her plans, she couldn’t see him, couldn’t target him, so why waste any effort? Let him drown. Signalling her slaves, Kala sent Helleryia to stand at the edge of the spur, at the top of the scale that lead down to the West pond where her former master resided.
Wait for him there, if he reaches the scale and attempts to climb onto the spur, knock him off to fall to his death! She silently commanded.
Rast was sent to grab the bag with the snake and throw it into the West pond, making sure that he kept the bag firmly closed so that the snake did not escape, nevertheless Kala watched carefully to make sure that the snake really did remain in the bag and was properly disposed of. Being already dead, Kala knew the snake’s venom would not affect her zombie if he were somehow bitten, but she did not want to take her chances with the thing getting near her. Once Rast had got rid of the snake, he was ordered to stand between Kala and the West pond so that, if Metarchis tried to fire another spell at her, she could hide behind Rast’s bulk so that the Khainite could not see her, and she would be shielded from anything by Rast’s body. The zombie wordlessly took up position, several steps away from Kala so that he would not be blasted into her by any spell, but still far enough away from the edge that he couldn’t fall or be knocked into the pond, Kala was an economical sorceress after all and did not want to waste resources, or lose valuable tools.
Her minions placed, Kaladeth turned to her own preparations. If Metarchis did somehow manage to climb to the spur, she would release her final stored spell to curse him, and allow her two slaves to finish him off, with the aid of her own destructive spells if needs be. But just to be safe, she also began to prepare an escape route, bringing the incantation of Nagaira’s falls to mind, ready to be released at a moment’s notice, should she need to escape.

Standing in the centre of the spur, Kaladeth was content with her precautions. Now all she had to do was wait, and see if the Khainite would be considerate enough to die.

OOC: Merry Christmas everybody! Sorry Red… but it had to be one of us

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:56 am
by Red...
Something was wrong, oh god, so wrong. Metarchis felt bewildered and terrified. Why was Helleryia ignoring him? How had the Dark Mage so successfully managed to guess what was going to happen that she had already programmed in so many bound spells into her body? How had all of his hastily thrown spells failed so badly?

Fear turned to grief, turned to despair, turned to anger.

He did not know what had possessed Helleryia. Maybe she had abandoned him, or never loved him anyway. Maybe she had been possessed by Kaladeth or some other sickly force. Well, there was no time to wonder about that now. For now he must consider her an enemy. His rapidly surging fury was all that he could focus on.

Half blind and deaf, swimming in this ice cold water while that she-dog stood warmly on the spur, he knew that he had to do something, and quick, or it was game over. Thinking more rapidly than he had ever thought in his life, he ducked his head under water and then screamed loudly into the icy depths:


Spell: Universal confusion
Target: Everywhere within 30 feet of me
Intended duration: 6 minutes
Intended effect: Disrupt all of Kaladeth's spellcasting abilities and stop his puppets from doing anything useful
Note: This is a Khainite spell, from Warhammer Online:

Relevant text reads: Raw power erupts in a 30 feet area around you, inflicting damage and stunning all enemies, preventing them from taking actions.

This done, he rapidly swung his body around to face the spur and followed the spell with another massive area blast, lifting his head out of the water to shriek:

Get out of my sight!

Spell: Uncaring dismissal
Target: Everyone within 30 feet of me
Intended duration: 6 seconds
Intended effect: Knock all of the now hopefully dazed puppets and enemy sorceress back off their feet and preferably into the water
Note: This is a Khainite Spell from Warhammer Online:

Relevant text reads: A great energy washes over all targets in front of you, blowing back all enemy players within 30 feet and knocking down all monsters.

While Kaladeth and the others are hopefully now floundering around, either plunged unexpectedly into the icy waters or flailing around flat on their backs, Metarchis will continue swimming to the edge of the closest spur. Once there, he will throw his hands in the air, singing loudly (probably out of tune). At the same time, he began disco dancing like a rock star:

Khaine will take your life.
Khaine will take your soul.
From you.
Yes, you.
And you and you and you.
Khaine will take your all.

Spell: Rampaging Siphon
Duration: 6 seconds
Target: Everyone within 30 feet of me
Intended effect: Further damage and/or kill all sorceresses and puppets within 30 feet of me.
Note: This is a Khainite Spell from Warhammer Online:

Relevant text reads: Deals damage to all enemies within 30 feet, and heals your entire group for the full amount of damage dealt.

Finally, he singled out the hopefully now confused and beaten body of Kaladeth and aimed his final spell, screaming loudly and thrusting his arms forwards in a cataplexy of rage:


Spell: Steal Life
Target: Kaladeth
Duration: 6 seconds
Intended effect: Steal the life from Kaladeth
Note: This is a Khainite Spell from Warhammer Online:

Relevant text reads: Your target suffers damage for X seconds, and you are healed for half of the damage dealt.

IC: These actions all attempted, Metarchis followed up by charging Kaladeth if she is still alive, or finding safety away from any other foes if she is dead.

OOC: Well, I should certainly get the best spell research award anyway, even if none of the above worked and Metarchis is sleeping with the fishes.

Merry Xmas all and thanks for the very fun final showdown Malus99 ;)

P.S. Calisson - I don't have a good sense of distances in the pit. If Metarchis needs to cast any of the spells at a greater range than the 30 feet stated for three of the spells, then he will obviously do so (as he is there in person and has been in the pit before, he should have a good sense of the distances involved).

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:07 pm
by Calisson
<OOC: Alright ! This is a real final fight ! :D >IC

- Kala sent Helleryia to stand at the edge of the spur, at the top of the scale that lead down to the West pond where her former master resided. Wait for him there, if he reaches the scale and attempts to climb onto the spur, knock him off to fall to his death!
- Once Rast had got rid of the snake, he was ordered to stand between Kala and the West pond so that, if Metarchis tried to fire another spell at her, she could hide behind Rast’s bulk.
- Curious to see how Metarchis would drown naturally, Kaladeth prepared anyway the incantation of Nagaira’s falls to mind, ready to be released at a moment’s notice. If Metarchis did somehow manage to climb to the spur, she could release her final stored spell to curse him.
- Metarchis realized that he was alone, now, and he better find the most of Khainite energies, or else…

He cast a desperate spell of confusion, which worked! Now only Helleryia remained standing, still blocking the access to the spur.
Another spell pushed everyone out of the spur. This one did not come easily, but worked after a couple of attempts.
All his foes now floating in the other pond, Metarchis could swim harmlessly to the spur.
Once there, he tried another spell to hurt his foes, but although the spell was successful, he realized that it would not change anything to the situation.
A final spell was cast at Kaladeth, just to make sure she would not do anything for the next 6 minutes, possibly killing her. She was stunned indeed, but remained on the surface.
Meanwhile, the zombie Helleryia had reached the spur. She was no match to the hormone-boosted Khainite, who reduced the horrible form that she had become to another pulp of meat.

Now, Metarchis was the one standing on the spur.
Kaladeth was floating in the pond, at 3 m from him. Even better, she was still unconscious for a couple of minutes.
Rast was in the same pond, waiting for an order to come before midnight, which would happen in 30 minutes.


How would Metarchis finalize his victory?

<OOC: It's hard to finish that game with such valuable posts.
Now, Red... has the initiative, as Kaladeth is not conscious for some time. How long? It depends on how long took the fight. Who knows? ;) >IC

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:06 am
by Red...
Finish her!

A mighty voice boomed out the words. Metarchis wasn't sure if they came from his own mouth, or if the Lord of Murder had spoken them instead. His face was flushed with anger and his hands covered with blood - the blood of his former love, the beautiful Helleryia who had once stood by his side as ally and romantic companion, but who had deserted him at the end. He felt surer now than ever that Kaladeth had somehow turned her against him, and this growing realisation made him shake with fury. The vitality that his spell 'steal life' had taken from Kaladeth and given to him filled his body with energy and strength.

Looking at the body of Kaladeth floating unconcious in front of him, Metarchis decided it was time to end this charade once and for all. Kaladeth had been a worthy foe, and he would have prefered her death to be honourable in battle. But after what she had done to Helleryia, he no longer cared whether she died a death filled with glory or shame, all he knew was that she had to die, and by his hand.

Without hesitation, Metarchis lowered himself back into the icy waters and moved up to the still unconcious body of his opponent, an act that took mere seconds. Here he took Kaladeth's head in a vice like grip and forced it underwater, throttling any and all remaining life out of her. He knew that even if she managed to open her mouth to breath, the only outcome would be to let the frigid waters fill her lungs, drowning her. He did not think, though, that she would be able to put up much resistance, even if she did shake from unconciousness, especially given the beating she had already suffered from his previous battery of spells. His hands and body remained imbued with the killing power and increased number of attacks of the Touch of Death, Fury of Khaine and Rune of Khaine, and parallel to throttling the sorceress apprentice underwater, he used these hidden buffs to try to kill her instantly, either directly or through snapping her spine in two, severing the connection between her venomous head and back.

Once Kaladeth was definitely dead, Metarchis moved back the 3m over to the spur and waited for the attendants to come and lead him out. He kept a close eye on Kaladeth all the while - just in case something untoward were to occur. If it did, then he would pummel her with offensive spells or charge her and tackle her back into the water. However, there was no reason to expect that she would rise again.

As he waited, he reflected sadly on the loss of Helleryia. Somehow, deep down, he had always known it would come to this. Khaine required the greatest sacrifices from all of his servants, and for Metarchis to triumph Helleryia had had to pay the eternal price. He would miss her, but at least her death had been avenged and her sacrifice had not been in vain. He shook his head sadly and surveyed the dismal, stinking pit, in which so many mages and their puppets had given their lives, and which had finally seen the death of Helleryia. He muttered quietly to himself: Game over mi amigoes. Game over.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 1:09 am
by Malus99
Kaladeth felt darkness take her, and new that she was close to the end. With her final breath, she made her last-ditch effort to escape. With a semi-concious thought she released her final spell, her last ace-in-the hole. Her fury roared forth in the Word of pain, and she prayed that its agony would light up the accursed Khainite's nerves like wildfire. Feebly, her hands grasped what components she had left from her belt. Silently she prayed a final spell, thrusting her hands into the Khainite's stomach, she poured forth all of her hate and spite into a coruscating tide of dark magic that poured from her fingers into her foe. This was her last chance.

Kala will release her stored word of pain and then fire a doombolt if possible at point blank range. I'm assuming Metarchis is at the least a little bit slowed by the fact that he was in the icey water casting all those spells and then had to get out, fight helleryia and then get back in again, and then somehow find me in the darkness and swim over to me, the word of pain should shake him up abit. I'm assuming my hands will be free as he is going for my throat.
a: 0
b: +1
c: +1
d: +2
e: +1
f: -2
g: -1
h: -1
i: +1 (Using both my horseshoe and consuming my last precious component, if I can only use one, then I will use the precious component)
j: -2
total: 0

That should frazzle him abit, I'm going to fight for this one! If this is succesful and it knocks Metarchis off then I will immediately call to Rast to jump in and try to deal with Metarchis hand-to-hand (who should be at death's bloody door by now if it gets this far) and then I will cast Nagaira's falls to get me back onto dry land (and recast until succesful):
a: +1
b: 0
c: +1
d: 0
e: +2
f: -2
g: -1
h: -1
i: -1
j: 0 (a shout and an arm wave)
total: -1

If I get back onto the spit I will continue to hurl doombolts at this cursed Khainite until he finally does decide to be kind enough to die.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:54 am
by Calisson
As he was standing alone on the spur, the whole week passed in front of Metarchis eyes.
Especially, all the hopes he had placed in his gracious apprentice, her promising progresses, and tonight, her betrayal and her transformation into an ugly zombie.
She had now been reduced to mere pulp by Metarchis own hands.
The image of former Helleryia formed hazily in front of his eyes. She smiled one last time at him, and progressively vanished in the dark.
Did it last one heartbeat or an eternity? It will sure remain engraved in his mind.

The blood lust was still rushing his veins, Khaine’s frenzy would not release its control that easily.
With a growing anger, he looked at the floating body of Kaladeth. This had to be his next target. For Khaine. For Helleryia. For the sake of his presence in this island. For his own relief.

He found the scale down to the pound, and swam to the body, barely visible with the flickering light from the torch.
There, he enjoyed his cold vengeance, colder than the pond itself.
His hands grabbed Kaladeth’s neck, and he prepared to tear it apart.


The cold water had penetrated all her clothes, soaked her hair, iced every square inch of her body. Where was she?
Something was swimming towards her. The sense of danger triggered her refrigerated blood to circulate in her body, in her brain. She placed her hand on the magic horseshoe she had been awarded with.
Too late. Her throat felt the grasp of her merciless opponent. Soon her head would be separated from her body.
No! Not yet! She made an ultimate attempt to bolt off her assassin with a doom spell.
She grabbed with her hand her most precious artifact, the last remaining flesh lump from her father: either he would save her or she would die and rejoin him.
<OOC: Doombolt. A.+0 B.+1 C.-1 (lessening resistance) D.+2 E.+2 (6sec) F.-2 G.-1 H.-1 I.+0 (precious) J.-1 (average) K.+0 total -1+fluff. Result: 5, cast. Side effect 5, aggressiveness. Metarchis’ resistance (I test with -2 malus): result 3, merely passed. >IC

The shock surprised Metarchis, but he did not release his grab. With a terror in her sight, Kaladeth frantically tried once more to call upon the faintest forces of Dhar remaining available in the magic horseshoe.
<OOC: Doombolt. A.+0 B.+1 C.-1 (lessening resistance) D.+2 E.+2 (6sec) F.-2 G.-1 H.-1 I.-1 (horseshoe) J.-1 (average) K.-1 total -1. Result: 3, near miss. Side effect 4, noise. >IC


Her spinal bone had broken with a demonic crack. Her orbits were now empty, the two eyes would float for some time. Her jaw was gone, it had sunk immediately. Her entrails were now dispersed all around like a spiderweb. Her left hand was still locked on the horseshoe: Metarchis had to tear the wrist off the arm with his teeth; his trophy was firmly held in his mouth.

Now his irresistible rage was starting to cool off in the icy water. Now time of vengeance was completed. Now, he had to survive for the service of Khaine.
Ignoring Rast who would sooner or later sink on his own, he climbed back onto the spur.


At midnight, the body of Rast vanished into the deep pond.
In the morrning, the pit opened one last time.


The Magic Reality Show. Conclusion.

The evaluating process is now finished.
Eight arcane apprentices were brought
on Walrus Island, able to drag on the powers
of Aqshy, Ghur, Chamon, Ghyran, Ulgu, Shyish and Dhar.
An acolyte, adept of Khaine was the eigth.
The selection process required them to prove their worthiness
in creating a holy place and a magic item, in orientation,
defense and aggression, healing, improving allies, launching magic missiles.
With the help of Hekarti, we were able to select the most worthy apprentice.
After a fierce fight against the follower of Dhar, the acolyte of Khaine proved to be the most potent.
As I have told you many times, this proves once more that magic alone cannot solve everything.
It is the synergy with our fighting abilities which will ultimately bring our deserved victory.
Now that we have experienced the superiority of Khaine, we will send you his worthy apprentice for one year.
He is not fitted to become an Executioner. He cannot become a Death Hag.
I am confident that You will soon find out if he will become a trusted assassin at Your service or if his fate is of a religious kind.
Bless be Thy Name and the Name of Your Son.
Signed: Kaleth Silverjaw


Now was the time to rest and to heal.
That period allowed Metarchis to regain all his strength and abilities as before arriving in the island, with the help of the high sorceress’ healings and counsels.
During his preparation for his new life, Metarchis received all the protocol advice that would allow him to survive his first weeks in Morathi’s castle.
Despite resuming his former physical state, he knew that his life would be transformed forever by that week in Walrus Island.




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