The Battle Pit - Forum game

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The Battle Pit - Forum game

Post by Daeron »

I was thinking of building a calculator designed specifically for dreadlord and master builds with a breakdown of typical enemies they are employed to tackle such as warmachines and enemy characters. While such a breakdown would be enjoyable, I thought it would be even more fun if we'd turn it into (or add) a game: the battle pit.

The battle pit would offer forum members the option to design and customize their build, and subscribe it to take part in the battle pit.
On a monthly or bi-weekly basis, the builds would be pitted against various opponents: demon lords, human slaves with a cannon, captured high elves, small teams of captured enemy troops... you name it. In fact, the forum members could even send in their own slave units to fight the lord characters of others!

The fights are to the death! Of course!

It would take some time to implement this, but it might be a fun addition. Depending on how it goes, we could add a virtual gold reward for those builds or slaves enlisted that win a match. And if time permits it, we could even add virtual betting on the outcome of such matchups :P
All virtual coin of course!

Your thoughts?
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Re: The Battle Pit - Forum game

Post by Calisson »

Sounds like something for the quick roleplaying forum! :D
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Re: The Battle Pit - Forum game

Post by Drainial »

Quick roleplaying but with a link from army lists I would say. It is not the first such thing we have had, though the last one was a LOOONG time ago, but this has a 'testing' side to it which is new and could be rather interesting. Couldn't hurt to set it up, hopefully it will take off.
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Re: The Battle Pit - Forum game

Post by Dalamar »

I was actually thinking about some sort of an arena game for the forum. We can start with text based and maybe eventually go with simple 8bit graphics top down style jrpg ;)
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Re: The Battle Pit - Forum game

Post by xFallenx »

Very interesting. That I'd like to see.
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